Sunday, June 5, 2011

On the 25th of the 12th Month

On the 25th of the 12th month,
I saw how love conquered pride and hate
I saw how forgiveness flourished and
How the broken hearts were healed

On the dawn of the day, I was worried
Whether God will grant my wish or
I still have to wait for months
Before my prayers will be answered

On the 25th of the 12th month,
I saw how joy and compassion
filled an old widow's heart
I saw how she reconciled with

Her lost dear daughter
Who was surrounded by
Hate,greed, and pain
Remorse filled her heart

On the 25th of the 12th month,
I saw how God moved in my life,
In front of my bare human eyes
A miracle happened

I saw two elite bachelors 
Who entered our house
With lots of stuffs and a smile
They are my dear cousins

I hugged and kissed them
Eight months of seclusion
Can not eradicate the love
That my heart feels for them

As I turned my head, 
A majestic event happened
I saw a mother and a daughter
Clasping with each other

Tears of joy streamed 
From their melancholic eyes
Hostility and abhorrence faded
Love and forgiveness reigned

As I watched these scenes
A tear streaked from my eye
For I witnessed the miracle
That my heart wished for

The old widow, my granny
Was filled with joy once again
The daughter, my aunt
Was found again..

I can't help but to smile
I give thanks to God for
Granting my wish and
My prayer for months

Indeed, my God is
An Awesome God
He is my hope and
My savior, my joy

Santa can't reciprocate
The joy given by my
Savior,King and God
For HE loves me so much

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