Saturday, January 4, 2014

Love is Waiting

via Flickr; cc: Azoomer

Once there was a young girl who has a lot of older friends. She treated these older friends as her sisters. These friends loved to tell her stories of their adventures. One day, they told her a story about a young boy. The young girl listened intently because it was the first time that her older friends talked about someone who was near of her age. That young boy was an extraordinary one. He was talented and a jack of all trades. He can do a lot of things that was why people adore him. He was actually a people person.

Out of curiosity, this young girl looked out at the young boy at his Friendster account. She was quite amazed that the young boy was a writer. She herself was a neophyte writer. Because she was able to read some of her sister’s works and the works of the young boy, she was inspired to pursue her budding love for words. She kept on writing and writing. She always had a little notebook and a pen. She even brought a notepad to fill each pages. She began to have a fascination to high-end ballpens and leather notebooks. Soon, she found herself saving for a piece of G-tech pen.

One day, the young girl met this famous young boy. He was wearing his white three-fourths shirt and brown cargo pants when she met him. It turned out that the young boy was a handsome one. He got the looks and he was intelligent. Immediately, he became the younger girl’s apple of the eye. The problem was the younger boy always wore a straight face. He seldom smiled. The younger girl thought of a way to start a small talk. Since she was the one who was assigned to distribute the giveaway for the event where she met the young boy, she decided to give him one of the red cranes.

Soon, the young girl and the young boy became friends. They shared stories about one another. She learned about the young boy’s story of defeat and triumphs. Soon, she found herself as one of the young boy’s adviser. She was like a sister to him in so many ways. She became one of the young boy’s consultant whenever he was about to enter something that was important. She even became his confidante in some of his ventures. But what she did not expect was that she became his human tissue paper in some of his personal problems. They became good friends. They were helping one another in order to have their better selves.

Time came that the young girl turned out to become a fine lady and the young boy turned out to become a gentle lad.

One day, the gentle lad talked with the fine lady. He told her a story that she did not expect. He told her that he was about to court the girl that he likes very much. He asked her if she could read his poem that was especially dedicated to the girl that he likes. He even added that she too is a lady and she knows the stuffs that could make a girl happy.

It hit the fine lady.

She was hurting.

Because she considered him as his best friend, she helped him out. He thanked her. Due to his gratitude, he gave her a tight hug.

That was the last time that she had an opportunity to bond with the gentle lad.

She decided to keep a distance to him for a while in order to view things in a different perspective. She was hurting deeply. She had realized that all the while, she has a romantic affection for the young lad.

Once, she heard that the first cut of a young love is the deepest.

And right now, she was experiencing it. Pain was unfathomable. Hate and self-pity began to creep at her heart.

For weeks, she mourned secretly. She thought she could handle it on her own.

Because the burden was too heavy for her, she kneel down. She cried her heart out to God. She let herself be vulnerable because she knew that God listens at her groaning.

She cried and cried and cried…

Her eyes were like fountains that sprinkled tons of salty tears.

She opened her bible.

This was what she saw:

I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases.                                                                                         
She wiped her tears, fixed herself, and prayed once again.

With what she had read, she made up her mind:

Father, until the season comes for me to pick the rose a midst the garden, please keep my heart asleep and create in me a heart that is filled with wisdom and fear for You. Make me whole and mold me. Guard my heart and help me to become the lady that You want me to be. I give it all to you. I'm handing my future to the Great Playwright. 

She went out of her room and did her daily routine.

For now, this is how her story will end.

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